News - Discussion Forums

These community forums are intended as vehicles for open communication and knowledge sharing among our Customers. As such, they are not formally monitored by AddonSoftware or BASIS personnel. Developers should not consider a community forum to be a means of requesting Technical Support, but instead a way to get input and insights from other members of the community.

We expect all participation in these forums to be civil. We will not tolerate foul language or threats to other people, and you could be permanently barred from participating if you violate this. Because of the business use of these forums, we ask that you please stick to the topic and refrain from sending jokes and other off-topic messages.

New Subscribers

1. Create a Google Group account, if you do not already have one. Go to and select [Sign In] in the upper right-hand corner. Click [Create an Account] and enter the e-mail address you want to receive BASIS list notifications.

2. Click the link below that corresponds to the list with which you wish to participate:

  • addonsoftware - Discussion of Addonsoftware development. Subscription approval required. This community forum may be monitored by AddonSoftware engineers.

  • bbj-developer - Discussion of development with BBj and other BASIS products past, present and future. Subscription approval required. This community forum may be monitored by BASIS engineers.

  • barista-list - Discussion of Barista development. Subscription approval required. This community forum may be monitored by BASIS engineers.

Members of Existing BASIS Lists

Create a Google Group account, if you do not already have one. Go to and select [Sign In] in the upper right-hand corner. Click [Create an Account] and enter the e-mail address you want to receive BASIS list notifications.

Establishing a Google Group account automatically enables you to receive posts to the groups to which you are subscribed. You can also set your options to receive the post as an e-mail or to view it on the Web. The [Subject line tagging] is now enabled.

The Rules

These forums are intended as vehicles for open communication and knowledge sharing among our Customers. As such, some of them are not formally monitored by our personnel. Developers should not consider these community forums to be a means of requesting Technical Support.

We expect all participation in these forums to be civil. We will not tolerate foul language or threats to other people, and you could be permanently barred from participating if you violate this. Because of the business use of these forums we ask that you please stick to the topic and refrain from sending jokes and other off-topic messages.

Contact Us

Let us put you in touch with a valued member of our nationwide network of software partners.

Sales and Marketing - or phone us at 505.938.6131 in the U.S. and Canada

Technical support - or phone us at 505.750.1411 option 4


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Albuquerque,NM 87109 USA

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   505.938.6131 U.S. & Canada